Saturday, February 24, 2007

Edmonton has earned the dubious reputation as Canada's Murder City

With 36 murders last year and a record 39 killings in 2005, Edmonton has earned the dubious reputation as Canada's Murder City.

Here are some quites from an article in from the Edmonton Journal:

"The biggest threat to this city's future prosperity may well be the crazy, mindless violence -- usually involving young men -- that's rapidly tarnishing Edmonton's reputation as a safe place to live, work and play."


Stormy Petrel said...

Statistic Canada reports that the average police to population are 517.

What is Edmonton’s ratio?

Criminal code offences[less traffic] per 100,000 people in 2005;
Metro Vancouver 11719
Metro Toronto 6141
Metro Montreal 7689

What is Edmonton’s?

As all policing in Canada is contracted out, one would think that civic governments would issue an annual report as to the performance of these contractors.

A base line performance stat is “clearance rate” or resolved cases,
Here is some Metro Vancouver stats as reported in one of Vancouver’s dallies.

National average 33%

Metro Vancouver -city police 20%

Port Moody 29%
White Rock 27%
Surrey - RCMP 18%
Richmond 12%
What is Edmonton’s?

Is Edmonton’s murder rate above the national average; in fact is Edmonton’s crime rate above the national Average if it is hold your policing contractor responsible for their shabby work.

All Crime is down 40% in the last decade.

Anonymous said...

slaughter of a young man at a edm transit stop this week makes edm a very scary city

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